Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Haha, Guess What?

Well, here I am, a few weeks after writing a good portion of my story (well, at least considering my will power and attention span it's a big chunk of text) and I decided that I absolutely hate the beginning of my story. It seems to me to be a bit boring. Nay, very boring. Some dude coming into a city. Well to be fair most of my story beginnings are very dry. Starting stories isn't my forte. I'd write so much better if everyone would just automatically know what I was thinking and so I didn't have to introduce my characters. I'd just go straight to the middle and plough right on through until the end.

Oh well, whining about it won't do very much. I've considered starting in the middle and then writing from there, but I'm not very sure where the middle starts and since I've only ever once actually finished a story, I'd doubt I'd ever get around to writing the beginning leaving my oh-so-many readers confused and annoyed at my lack of explanation. (I know, I know. Run-on sentence. It's a blog. So sue me.)

So I've already got a vague concept on how else to start the story, but it's not all very clear. One think I've also got to start doing is coming up with names for things and minor characters. In all I've got about 14 characters roughly sketched out--three of whom have names. I don't have names for much of the cities and landscape I've got my little party trekking through either.

Oh and the number one thing I've got to figure out is why exactly my party's going on this big quest they're on. Kind of important. You see, I've got what they're doing pretty much all planned out; I just don't know why they're doing it or what's going to happen after they get through the first huge hurdle. I've got a bucket full of little clips of plot and bits of conversations in my head--the hard part is figuring out how it all strings together.Usually when I write stories, I have exactly the opposite problem. I have the big picture but I don't know how to develop the feeling I want.

I do hope I can overcome this problem for this story. I'm rather fond of most of the characters. Actually making up characters is my favorite part of story-making (excluding coming up with their names). Really what I enjoy about writing is having people discover the personalities of my characters. I guess that's actually my main inhibitor of my writing. I want people to picture my characters exactly how I do and spend so much time trying to work in the little details that it drives me ballistic. I never got how authors would just make up a background for their characters and then never tell anyone about it and not include it in their writing.

Anyways, the point of this post actually was just to say that I will be re-writing what I have done so far (actually it's more like scrapping than re-writing) and that despite my desire to do away with what I've written all together, I will keep it up just for the heck of it.

Haha, boy did I get off topic. Oh well. I'm off to write more of my story. So please be patient and toodle-pip for now.


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