Monday, February 9, 2009

Chapter 1: The Knight

Chapter 1: Part 1

(Quick not from Koshi: I may play around with naming things. Most of the names of places as well as character names are just there so I can call them something. I'm not incredibly decisive when it comes to naming things. Anyway, without further ado, the story)

In the country of Avalask, autumn had set over the countryside. The hills and forests were alight with the fiery hues of the season. The animals were fewer now and so the city folk of the capital, Toronas, were drawn out further from the safety of the city borders in order to bring fresh meat to the market. As the days grew colder, the usually packed roads and crushing crowds of Toronas' main streets dwindled to a steady flow of people hurrying to get from one destination to the next.

One particularly frigid morning, just before sunrise, the roads were nearly deserted. People huddled close to building walls, sheltered slightly from the wind, and whispered to eachother as a mounted rider urged his horse quickly though the maze of alleys. His heavy wollen cloak was wrapped tightly around him, attempting to keep the icy tendris of the comming winter wind at bay.

The rider slowed his steed to a walk as he neared where the city slums met the outer castle wall. Both the inner and outer castle gates were shut and barred, a sign of the distrusting times that had befallen Avalask. A city guard scrambled clumsily out of the guard hut, holding a lantern aloof and attempting to peer under the rider’s cload.

“Who’s this then? State ye’ name and business sir,” he crowed as he drew nearer. “Kale, Knight of Avalask, called to see Commander Grevald,” replied the rider in a deep clear voice. He showed the guard an opened letter bearing the seal of the commander. The man nodded once and hurried back to the guard hut.

Kale pulled his cloak still tighter against him as his steed stirred restlessly under him. Kale reached out and patted the horse’s neck, whispering promises of a hot meal and dry housing. Just as the dawn light began to creep over the city, the gate before Kale creaked open to reveal a mounted castle guard, distinguishable by the gold trimmed armour he wore under his heavy green cloak. Kale dropped his hood to properly greet the knight, revealing his short black hair and clean-shaven face. He also drew back his cloak showing his sheathed sword engraved with the Toronas crest which proved his knight status. The guard nodded curtly to Kale, then turned and lead him into through the maze of alleys leading into the castle.

Alright I think that's all I'm going to write for part one for now. I may just do an edit and add a little more to it tonight... maybe. But right now I am hungry and I have class, so I leave you at this. I'm actually not that fond of what I've got so far, but I do know where I'm going with this story and I do rather like the plot, even if I know that the exicution won't be that great. Oh well. Until the next part then.

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