Monday, February 9, 2009

The Purpose

Well. A blog.
I'll say I'm not really one for these kind of things, but I need somewhere to ramble every once and a while so this is as good of a place as any. Please don't expect anything coherent to come out of this blog. I'm not usually one to talk and so I guess I'll use this blog to vent my frustrations against people and society in general. Nothing personal, you're all nice people I'm sure.
To be honest with you I don't really have anything to talk about. Most of the time I won't have anything to talk about... Usually I write things like this to kill time or to avoid doing work (Don't pretend you don't do stuff like this).
So today will be one of the (hopefully?) many times I'm just writing babble to kill time. Procrastination is one of the things I'm best at. I've got an assignment due tomorrow, and so of course instead of dutifully working out answers I'm writing a blog about absolutely nothing, no surprise.
Maybe I'll write a story...

Actually I've been meaning to write a story for a while. I'm just so lazy that I never get around to it. I've got a whole bunch of story lines floating around in my head. However I'm not very skilled with words and so often find myself giving up after writing only a few sentences. It's ironic really. I write stories to distract myself from work, and then when stories get to hard to write I find other things to distract myself from writing a story.
Well I guess I should at least try to write one anyhow. I mean, it's about time I get something done right? Don't expect anything I do to be Tolkien standards though. What I'm posting up here's first draft. Maybe if I get far enough, I'll post a more refined version on Elf Wood. (Yes, that's right, I write fantasy stories. For some reason me and present day don't get along to well. Maybe its the way I word things....)
I guess I should start the story in a different post. That way its more distinguishable from my inane ramblings. Right then, story time here we go....

*Edit: ummmmmm taking longer than I thought. I'll upload the story in parts. And it won't be soon soooooo no need to sit there waiting...*

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