Friday, May 29, 2009

A Rant Of Sorts

I was talking to my friend a few moments ago. We ended up talking for more than three hours. At about two a.m. I finally hung up the phone, but the cogs in my head kept turning. I found myself browsing the Internet for a dozen minutes in search of someone intelligent to continue my train of thought with. Only a short while after searching did it dawn on my how hard it really is to find someone on the Internet willing to have an intelligent conversation with you.
And so I am left with a head full of ideas and no one to bounce them off of at two thirty in the morning. Of course it is then that I have a blog now. Left with no other option, I decided to type mindlessly about what thoughts go tumbling through my head.
I believe I know why so many authors choose to write books about every day events. I feel as if I have the same sentiment at this moment. I had a conversation with my friend the provoked a whole chain of epiphanies having to do with my own personality and her quite opposite one. Then just as the conversation was getting interesting for me, my friend started falling asleep. Naturally I needed someone similar to myself to talk to in order to solidify and justify my ideas. Having not yet met someone who likes to mull things over the way I do, I naturally felt I had to get these thoughts out of my head in one form or other and decided to write it.
Then begins the trouble with just simply writing things. To the reader, there is little to no context given. Only a vague sense so that the point is nearly missed entirely. The most logical way to write out your thoughts then, would be to create a similar situation, perhaps one more exaggerated to prove the point, in which the same conversations or themes could be explained. And there is the birth of the story.
I would write this way myself were it not for my unfathomable laziness and complete lack of dedication. The mere thought of having to create a life for new characters is already giving me a headache. Perhaps its the lack of sleep though. I chose this quicker method in stead. Blogging. Basically, it is like talking to oneself. I write it as if I'm in my own head (Yes I do tend to think in this type of phrasing in my head, but I would never really speak as I write).
Strangely enough, though I write as if I'm talking to myself and I take comfort in the fact that the counter on the bottom of my page is so low, alluding to the fact that I am the sole visitor on my site, I still check for grammar and spelling and context references as if someone else were about to read it. I've done it countless times in other posts. Apologizing for delays and such just because there's always that chance that someone out there will read this. I don't know if I want them to or not. Well on the bright side I've been writing again. Or at least I've been planning what I'm going to be writing.
Now the lack of sleep is really kicking in. Seeing as I need to find a job and I need to wake up early in the morning to do so, I think it is long past the hour I should be asleep. Pains in my wrist and temples only confirm my previous statement. I am going to sleep.


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