Thursday, March 25, 2010

I'm Making Progress! ... kind of...

Well, I have to say this is probably the most work I've put into a story before writing it.

     I've made a sort of promise with myself to actually write a story and not abandon it after a few weeks of daydreaming about it. It is the same story that I was writing before but I will not be using the paragraphs I already wrote as is (shocker, I know). I've actually tried doing character histories. Now, before when writing stories I've made character profiles--you know, eyes, hair, personality etc.--but this is the first time I've written the character histories in so much detail.
     I got this extremely helpful Character Creation Form from Elfwood (Here's the link : Its gotten me to actually write relatively fleshed out back stories for all of my characters, which I absolutely love! Granted, I've only fully completed about 2 of these and the rest of my characters are pretty half-assed--but that'll all change when I get my laptop fixed. Hopefully.
     I now realize that I may not have written about my laptop predicament. I've been meaning to write proper character profiles for all the people in my second book, but all the names and little background I had on them are on my other computer. And yes, I know that I said I would write the first book first and then write the sequel because I didn't have a clear idea on where the story was going, but I've got good news on the plot front too!
     I have finally gotten a rough idea for the quest my heroes will embark on. The problem is, the prequel's plot is kind of hazy, which makes certain details in the sequel's a little hazy. However, of the two storylines, the second one is the one that is more thought out. That, and there are a ton more characters I'm falling in love with all over again. So long story short--I like the second book better, so that's what I'm going to write!
     Now, what does this all have to do with the actual writing. I know I aimed to have at least the first chapter by new-years (Haha--that dream happened), but as it stands, I will not be setting some ridiculous deadlines that I know I'm not going to be able to achieve. My goal right now is not to do any writing really, unless I have a truly inspired moment, but to finish the character histories and brainstorm more plot ideas on how this is all going to work. Unfortunately this includes coming up with a coherent system of government for my world , which I know I will delay because even the though of doing that seems tedious and boring to me. Anyways, the point is to get the brunt of the prep-work done before I actually attempt to write a story so that there'll be less rewriting later on.

We'll see how this goes. It is exam season again.


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