Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It's that time again....

No, I don't mean Christmas or Halloween. I'm talking of course about the time where I give my many (feeble) excuses as to why my story hasn't even been started yet.
Well truth be told, it has been... kind of... Well nothing really happens in it, and only one of the major characters has been introduced (to be fair, he will likely be the only main character for some time), and that character wasn't really introduced so much as, well for lack of a better expression, flung into a heap of text.
My excuse is that I (sort of) have a life outside being a nerdy fantasy freak, which is basically my life as a nerdy physics freak. And as I'm not very good at being a nerdy physics freak, I need to study to not fail all my exams. (Lame excuse, I know, but YOU try majoring in physics and having a dynamic social life.... you geniuses out there don't get to try this little experiment.)
So, though I could post up what I've written so far, chances are in about a month or two I'll re-read what I've written, decide its a total atrocity and that I'm going to start over, and then come up with more excuses as to why the story hasn't yet progressed past some guy standing in a forest. (If I posted my written part, that last comment would make much more sense).
As it stands, I will not be posting the four paragraphs I have obsessively written. I am going to wait until I have at least finished the first part (not necessarily the chapter, but just make it so you don't sit there wondering ""). Truth be told it isn't much writing to get that far, but again at my pace it will probably take a few weeks.

..... I have this ominous feeling that I really won't post until new-years....
ah well. Love and kisses,


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