Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Guess what? Exams!

Well. Isn't this everyone's favorite time of year. Yes I'm using it as an excuse for not updating, but at the same time I have a feeling like this is the time when my story will be updated the most. This is because of my tendency to try and to anything to get out of studying. I've already started working on the plot (you know--filling some loopholes, finding new ways to make my characters suffer--normal writer's stuff).

Anyways, I know (though you may not have been informed) that my goal was to get at least a full chapter done by New Year's, but I can see that dream rapidly fading. The reason for this is though I have a general plot for the Prequel that I abandoned my other story to start writing, I don't really have any details. And since really you need to know what kind of government your main kingdom has if its supposedly corrupt and the entire plot revolves around this-- I've decided to take a break from actually writing and try and do rough outlines for at least the first few chapters and of course figure out how exactly this mythical world runs.

I am actually considering not posting any story chapters on this blog anymore. I would like to dedicate this blog simply to the progress I'm making, since that's all I seem to be doing anyways, and create another blog that will have simply the story chapters. Obviously the two will be linked and anything I write in that blog will be commented and written about in this one by yours truly. Hopefully with this new method I will update this blog more often to ramble, and will not feel pressured to finish the story and end up making crappy directionless work that I'll end up re-writing in a month anyway.

So that's the plan at least. I'll be posting the new site up once I've got an entry in it. Don't expect it in the near to immediate future.


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